**All of the Rural Healthcare Tax Credits for 2018 have been utilized. Should more become available, the Department of Revenue will make an announcement. Please apply again in 2019.**
Available Tax Credits
Beginning in July 1, 2018, individuals and businesses can donate funds to a list of qualified rural hospitals known to be in financial distress and apply for a 100% state tax credit in return. A full list of these hospitals can be found here.
Calculating the tax credit differs between individuals, married couples, and corporations. For the first six months of a given year, caps on tax credits are as follows:
Individuals can receive a tax credit equal to their donation up to $5,000.
Married couples filing jointly can receive a tax credit equal to their donation up to $10,000.
Individuals who are members of an LLC, shareholders of a Subchapter “S” corporation, or partners of a partnership can receive a tax credit equal to their donation up to $10,000.
Lastly, a corporation or other entity can receive a tax credit equaling its donation or up to 75% of the corporation’s income tax liability, whichever is lesser.
From July 1 until the end of a given year, individuals, married couples, LLCs, S-Corps, and partners can receive state tax credits equaling donations up to their total state tax liability. Corporations are still limited to tax credits up to 75% of their state tax liability.
The State of Georgia has made available $60 million in rural hospital tax credits each year through 2021.
Individual hospitals can accept no more than $4 million for the year.